Stripping and sealing floors is critical to ensuring your floors are protected and kept in their best condition. If your floors are started to look scuffed and damaged it's time to get them resealed.
Stripping and sealing involves removing the older layers of sealant from a floor and replacing it with a new coat. It is particularly handy for vinyl or linoleum floors which see much foot traffic and become scuffed, dirty and unsafe, affecting the longevity of the flooring.
As strip and seals require a high level of training and specialised equipment and chemicals, we recommend you leave it to the experts like RFFM, to ensure your floors are protected and the strip and seal process is carried out safely and properly. Our professional team will ensure they strip and seal your floors at only the highest of standards.
RFFM offers floor stipping and sealing in Melbourne and beyond - so wherever in Victoria you may be, we have you covered!
As individuals with many years of experience in stripping and sealing floors for Victorians, we strive for excellence, and positive outcomes for our clients.
Stripping and sealing your floors is a job that requires experience and skill, we have experienced workers and high quality tools that will mean you get the best result.